Playing it Safe: Assessing and Managing Security Risks in Cases of Regional Instability, Disaster and Overall Uncertainty

June 17, 2014 10:35am

Alan Griffiths
Managing Director, Crisis & Security Consulting
Control Risks

In the Overseas Energy and Resource Sectors:

  • Analyzing potential dangers such as kidnapping, piracy and militant activity in unstable corners of the world where energy and mining workers are housed
  • Understanding how to develop security plans in these types of housing scenarios:
    • Reviewing kidnapping and ransom insurance and the hazards associated with leaving a secure compound
    • Which security companies should you consult?
    • Should you opt for armed security or non-lethal security?
    • Are sub-contractors liable for their own security or do they fall under the security umbrella of the energy or mining company?
    • Discussing the physical precautions the energy industry takes to protect camp residents
    • Assembling a security team and monitoring local intelligence

In the Western Energy and Resource Sector:

  • Dealing with drug use, assaults, weapons and gang activity within your camp
  • The challenges of using a room system involving cut keys: Would keyless entry resolve the problem whereby unknown parties have taken advantage of camp accommodation and food services
  • Investigating the advantages of biometric access – Is this the future of camp security?
  • What other techniques are being considered?