Evaluating Your Bids: A Guide to Analyzing and Selecting the Best Supplier for Your Organization’s Needs

March 20, 2014 3:25pm

Alissa Hudy
Manager, SCM Contracts; Supply Chain Management, U.S.
Enbridge Inc.

  • Understand the owner’s legal obligations to bidders in the RFP and Tender processes
  • Evaluation of vendors and contractors
    • Criteria categories; developing the matrix
    • Comparing proposals; using a points system to evaluate
  • Going beyond the boilerplate response; Examine how responders can differentiate themselves
  • Developing the bid criteria; Do they match your organizational needs?
  • Methods for selecting the winning bidders
  • Finalist interviews: When are they needed?
  • Examples and case studies
The session will include both a seminar and an interactive activity to give participants the skills and tools necessary to allow them to apply knowledge and insights gained back in their work environment.